
PODER – POTERE – POWER (Three Short Plays about Power)

by Marta Buchaca, Marco Calvani and Neil LaBute AdA Project (Author directs Author)
From 16/07/2016 to 15/07/2016

from 15/07/16 to 16/07/16 at 20h


3 authors, 3 short plays, 3 directors. This is the premise that provides the basis for the AdA project (Author directs Author). Each playwright has written a short play for two actors that subsequently another of the playwrights will take charge of directing. All three plays will form a single show that will revolve around one theme: Power.

Poder-Potere-Power is formed by:

No sé de què et puc salvar by Neil LaBute
Translated by Marta Aliguer
Directed by Marco Calvani

Cast: Anna Alarcón and Albert Pérez.

An estranged father and daughter meet to negotiate a new relationship between themselves. Old wounds surface and new ones appear as they grapple with the past, present and future of the bond they have. In the end, there will be a price to be paid for continuing on as parent and child.

Després de la foscor by Marco Calvani
Translated by Marina Espasa
Directed by Marta Buchaca

Cast: Mima Riera (rest of the cast underway)

Susanna, a designer and consolidated entrepreneur, is on a business trip with Jessica, her young and negligent assistant. It is late, they are at their hotel, and after a few drinks they turn to finalising the last preparations for the trade fair the next day, which Susanna hopes will boost her company’s sales. Jessica, however, has other plans for the evening. In a cruel game of life or death, the two women will find themselves forced to reveal their own fragile points, but above all their true intentions. Before the sun rises once more.

El cimby Marta Buchaca
Directed by Sergi Belbel
A male politician who has been Mayor of the city for over ten years has been defeated at the elections by the female leader of a left-wing party. Himself the member of a conservative party, he cannot bear the idea that a left-wing woman will occupy his seat. When the new Mayor arrives at her office, she discovers that her predecessor is still there, and quickly realises he is in no hurry to leave. He has an ace up his sleeve and won’t take long to play it.

is a co-production by La MaMa E.T.C., Sala Beckett/Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia and Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona in collaboration with Umanism LLC New York.

The premiere of the show will be on 15 July 2016 at the Sala Beckett as part of the Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona. Later, the project will be repeated with American actors at La MaMa Theatre in New York, USA, in January 2017.