Caminar per les línies de la mà com si fossin els anells d’un arbre
Els arbres eren blancs de gebre i els carrers i els camps
pareixien coberts de llençols. Després va sortir el sol
que va eixugar l’univers i només les ombres
van quedar banyades.
Cant XI (Fragment) – Tonino Guerra
Shadows are the indication that the sunlight does not cross through bodies or trees. If a tree is full of time rings that are accumulated one on top of the next, Caminar per les línies de la mà com si fossin els anells d’un arbre is creating the bark of our bodies.
We propose an interactive installation, dilated over time, with the aim of reflecting on the mechanisms of memory and the determination of it in our lives and our identity. What configures memory and oblivion? How does it determine our past and our future?
Dramaturgy and direction: Laura Riera, Adrià Aparicio and David Bustos
Cast: Marina Olivares, Txell Navarro, Gerard Rodríguez, Clara Griffiths, Marc Sala and Patricia Bernaus
Set, costum and illumination design: Núria Mallofré, Helena Calafell, Pau Boesch, Lucía Fabó, Bruna Ribas and Iris Verge
Production: Laia Rafols, Arnau Pérez and Daniel Zülke
Photography: Laia Rafols
Coordination: Anna Serrano, Blai Juanet and Alba Sàez