Radio drama

Dramawalker Poblenou Tour

Guided tour with Catalan playwrights of different places in Poblenou
From 14/07/2021 to 28/07/2021

14th, 21st and 28th July at 7 p. m.


Several spaces in Poblenou
Free entry

Before the walk, on 14 July, there will be a public presentation of the project in Parc Central del Poblenou (6 p.m.).

Dramawalker is a project designed to create geolocalised sound fictions, as a living memory of cities, promoted by the Centro Dramático Nacional in collaboration with the Sala Beckett, Grupo Chévere and the Centro Dramático Galego (Xunta de Galicia). The raw material of the programme is provided by the stories told by the neighbourhood residents. Based on meetings with the programme playwrights, a series of sound fictions have been created that come to life interactively as people walk through the streets featured.

In Barcelona, the project is focused on the Poblenou neighbourhood. Dramawalker Poblenou seeks to bring together the stories of the residents of this Barcelona neighbourhood, where the industrial past and a well-established association network coexist with avant-garde artistic and cultural projects. Through a participatory process, the creators Roc Esquius, Sílvia Navarro, Oriol Puig, Mercè Sarrias and Joan Yago have explored the memory of the neighbourhood and its residents to reconstruct the stories concealed in its streets.

The pieces of Dramawalker are:

  • Coloms, by Sílvia Navarro
    with Anna Carreño and Roger Vidal
  • La Víbria del Poblenou, by Oriol Puig
    with Jofre Borràs and Vanessa Segura
  • El batec del barri, by Roc Esquius
    with Mercè Aránega and Elena Tarrats
  • La resistència, by Mercè Sarrias
    with Quim Àvila and Joana Vilapuig

Playwrights: Roc Esquius, Sílvia Navarro, Oriol Puig, Mercè Sarrias and Joan Yago

Actors: Mercè Aránega, Quim Àvila, Jofre Borràs, Anna Carreño, Vanessa Segura, Elena Tarrats, Roger Vidal and Joana Vilapuig

Sound design and original soundtrack: Rafel Plana
Sound technician: Marc Abad
Production assistant: Maria Puig 

Artistic coordination: Aina Tur

Thanks to: Arxiu Històric del Poblenou, Coordinadora d’entitats del Poblenou, La Colla del Drac, Església de Santa Maria del Taulat, La Escocesa, Can Felipa, Higo Mental and Biblioteca Poblenou – Manuel Arranz; Enric Puig, Francesc Romeu, Pere Parera, Maria Cinta Boigas, Anna Careño, Mercè Oltra, Ignasi Gras, Lina Pérez, Elvira Fernández, Mercè Ayora, Manel Ollé, Helena Pérez, Andrea Btoy, Lluís Martínez and Dani Tejedor

A production of the Sala Beckett and the Centro Dramático Nacional

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