Staged reading

El combat del segle

by Denise Duncan
Translated by

At 6 p.m.

Sala de dalt
Free entry

Four plays that we could have seen at different theatres in Barcelona if the Festival GREC could have been held as was planned. We will be able to become acquainted with them as if it were the first day of rehearsals, with the actors sitting around the table and with the corresponding explanations from the artistic teams involved.


An American boxer arrives in the Barcelona of the early 20th century. His name is Jack Johnson and he is the first Afro-American to be proclaimed world heavyweight champion. He faced Jim Jeffries in the so-called “Fight of the century ” and, against all expectations, he won it, in a victory for racism. Johnson will have to pay a high price for his triumph: an unfair sentence that leads him to abandon the country. And although in Barcelona he finds a different atmosphere, perhaps of greater freedom, Jack Johnson is haunted by the ghosts of his past and the memory of his rival, Jim Jeffries.

This year’s resident author at the Sala Beckett talks to us about racism, the consequences of success, love, life, and destiny, based on the story of a black boxer on Barcelona’s Paral·lel in the early 20th century.

This activity will be streamed on Youtube

Written and directed by Denise Duncan
Transtation to Catalan: Marc Rosich

Cast: Queralt Albinyana, Àlex Brendemühl, Armando Buika, Andrea Ros and Yolanda Sikara

A production of Sala Beckett, Grec 2020 Festival de Barcelona, Centro Dramático Nacional and Teatre Principal de Palma

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