Héroes en diciembre
At 7p.m.
Within the context of the Obrador d’estiu, we are offering three examples of new Spanish playwriting. Three texts authored by playwrights that have seen success in Madrid and everywhere else that they have premiered, but that until now could not be seen in Catalonia.
Simon Critchley says in Notes on Suicide that perhaps the closest we can get to death is writing, in the sense that writing is absenting oneself from life, a provisional abandoning of the world and our insignificant tribulations trying to see things more clearly. Perhaps this is why when suicidal people enter a rural repopulation programme as group therapy, the routines and activities organised show Berta that surviving cannot bring back her desire to live. Khalid’s silenced suicide during the programme, Berta’s rebellion and the arrival of the last social worker, with hidden interests, question the pillars holding up the project and each of its participants.
Author: Eva Mir
Director: Anna Serrano
Cast: Emma Arquillué, Raquel Capdet, Carla Linares and Albert Pérez