Staged reading

Landscape, Memory and Theatre

New Short Plays
From 10/07/2023 to11/07/2023

At 6.30 p.m.

Parc Central del Poblenou
Free entry

Every year we invite a group of young writers from different countries to work during l’Obrador d’estiu with an experienced playwright. This year, this playwright is Simon Longman, who has proposed to work on the subject Landscape, Memory and Theatre. Out of this topic, authors have written short plays that, translated into Catalan, will be presented to the public in the form of staged readings.

Monday 10th 

  • Cingle, by Oriol Morales i Pujolar
  • Una arca, by Nicolas Girard-Michelotti. Translation: Xavier Montoriol
  • Demasiada mujer, by Ignacio Revello
  • You knew I would go dark, by Nanna Cecilie Bang. Translation: Maria Rosich

Tuesday 11th

  • La máquina de habitar, by Ruth Rubio
  • Sol, de Matteo Caniglia. Translation: Carles Fernàndez
  • Confia en mi, by Somebody Jones. Translation: Pere Bramon
  • Núvol de cendres, by Karoline Una Moen. Translation: Laura Segarra

Short plays by Nanna Cecilie Bang (Denmark), Matteo Caniglia (Italy), Nicolas Girard-Michelotti (France), Somebody Jones (USA/Great Britain), Karoline Una Moen (Norway), Oriol Morales i Pujolar (Catalonia), Ignacio Revello (Uruguay) and Ruth Rubio (Spain).

Directed by Marta Gil Polo

Cast: Diana Torné, Isabelle Bres, Alberto Díaz, Míriam Escurriola and Marc Joy

Director’s assistant: Albert Massanas

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