Staged reading


by Mireia Sort
Directed by
Marilia Samper

At 7:30 pm

Parc del Centre del Poblenou
Free entry


Cristina and Dani have been together for more than 20 years, they have two almost teenage daughters, two good jobs, a house and an excellent social life. They have everything the system expects of them and what they themselves had imagined when they started their life project together. Tonight, they are home alone, and Cris has everything planned to finally have a night of passion with Dani. But their encounter won’t turn out as they expected. This couple opens Pandora’s box to remember who they were before they mortgaged their lives to fit into the social stereotype. Will they be able to bear to discover that being the perfect family, perhaps, has made them unhappy?

Author: Mireia Sort
Director: Marilia Samper

Cast: Alberto Díaz and Mireia Sort

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