Staged reading

Love, marriage and other minor issues

New Short Plays
Directed by
From 11/07/2022 to 13/07/2022

At 6.30pm

Parc Central del Poblenou
Free entry

Every year we invite a group of young writers from different countries to work during l’Obrador d’estiu with an experienced playwright. This year, for the first time this playwright is Ella Hickson, who has proposed to work on the subject Love, marriage and other minor issues. From this topic, authors have written short plays that, translated into Catalan, will be presented to the public in the form of staged readings.

Monday 11

  • Una vegada vaig estimar by Mufaro Makubika. Translated by Oriol Monroig Llop
  • Tot by Jamie Hornsby. Translated by Oriol Monroig Llop
  • L’estudi by William Lippert. Translated by María Rosich Andreu
  • Serjozha by Klaus Maunuksela. Translated by Riikka Laakso

Tuesday 12

  • Ara és per sempre by Nalini Vidoolah Mootoosamy. Translated by Agnès Camatxo
  • Variacions by Allex (Liat) Fassberg. Translated by Maria Bosom
  • El Jesmond gairebé triomfa by André Mangion. Translated by David Cabrera
  • La causa contra Anne Pedersen by Erlend Rødal Vikhagen. Translated by Laura Segarra Vidal

Wednesday 13

  • Sugar me (alegres, inocents i insensibles) by Pauline Haudepin. Translated by Xavier Montoriol
  • Suena (no one knows me) like the piano de Sampha by Bàrbara Mestanza
  • Fil d’or i vas trencat by Ellie Marchand. Translated by Xavier Montoriol
  • Tiradísimo de precio by Mélanie Werder Avilés

Authors: Liat (Allex) Fassberg (Germany), Pauline Haudepin (France), Jamie Hornsby (Australia), William Lippert (Denmark), Mufaro Makubika (United Kingdom), André Mangion (Malta), Elie Marchand (Quebec), Klaus Maunuksela (Finland), Bàrbara Mestanza (Catalonia), Erlend Rødal Vikhagen (Norway), Nalini Vidoolah Mootoosamy (Italy) and Mélanie Werder Avilés (Spain)

Directed by Iván Morales

Cast: David Bagés, Adrián Nuñez, Padi Padilla, Mel Salvatierra, Àrid Soldevila, Blanca Valletbó and Joan Vázquez

Assistant director: Júlia Barbany

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