Staged reading

Media hora para el tango

by Laura Verazzi
Directed by

At 7 p.m.

Parc Central del Poblenou
Free entry


Maru is going to sell her piano to make space in the room that she will need for a future baby. Some friends of her husband (who is late arriving at the meeting) come to see the piano with a view to buying it. As they wait, Maru decides to tell them the story of the piano of her grandmother, Bebi. A piano that represents the link that she had with the men in her life. For her father, she played classical music instead of tango; for her teacher, she trained from dawn to dusk; for her husband, she gave up her classes and her possible career; finally, for her son, she got rid of the piano. Reflected in the story of Bebi are the stories of many other women, mothers, and grandmothers of the 20th century. In this story, Maru finds the key for taking control of the reins of her own life.


Media hora para el tango is a play that is born as a self-fiction. From the personal, it is the story of a grandmother. From the universal, it is the story of the majority of women of the 20th century, who were mothers and grandmothers and who put their own wishes to one side so that their families could function. They were women who did what they had to do: for them, options did not exist. The story of Bebi, narrated by Maru, explains what the relationship was like, in each phase of her life, between that girl-young woman-elderly woman and the men around her. For her part, Maru, an Argentinian immigrant in Barcelona, feels she has a debt outstanding with her grandmother. While she elaborates on this idea and explains it to the audience, she comes to see herself reflected in Bebi, her grandmother. A journey that enables her to review the decisions that she herself is making. Media hora para el tango is a tender, intimate exploration of cultural norms immersed in folklore, which proposes a relationship of total complicity with the audience.

Written by Laura Verazzi
Directed by Denise Duncan

Cast: Romina Cocca, Concha Milla, Lucio Santilli and Jordi Soriano

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