Staged reading

Memory, Nostalgia and Theatre

New Short Plays
From 10/07/2024 to 12/07/2024

At 6:15 pm

Aula 1
Free entry

Every year we invite a group of young writers from different countries to work during l’Obrador d’estiu with an experienced playwright. This year, this playwright is Simon Longman, who has proposed to work on the subject Memory, Nostalgia and Theatre. Out of this topic, authors have written short plays that, translated into Catalan, will be presented to the public in the form of staged readings.

Wednesday, july 10th

  • P.S.T. by Aura Foguet
    Cast: Clàudia Abellán and Maria Ribera
  • Vigilància by Thomas Dufour
    Translation: Bet Ajenjo
    Cast: Clàudia Abellán and Isaac Canals
  • Probablement l’eternitat by Pierre Koestel
    Translation: Bet Ajenjo
    Cast: Clàudia Abellán, Isaac Canals, Ramon Pujol and Maria Ribera
  • Els camins by Tomasso Fermariello
    Translation: Carlota Subirós
    Cast: Isaac Canals, Ramon Pujol and Maria Ribera

Thursday, july 10th

  • Nostalgia de lengua by Irene Herráez
    Cast: Clàudia Abellán and Maria Ribera
  • El jardín de las delícias de Diego Lois Petit
    Cast: Isaac Canals, Tamara Ndong, Ramon Pujol and Maria Ribera
  • Soc l’espantaocells… by Asli Ekici
    Translation: Nihal Mumcu
    Cast: Clàudia Abellán and Isaac Canals
  • El saló by Katherine Soper
    Translation: Carles Alarcón
    Cast: Clàudia Abellán, Isaac Canals, Ramon Pujol and Maria Ribera

Friday, july 10th

  • Animals by Ylong Liu
    Translation: Carles Alarcón
    Cast: Isaac Canals and Ramon Pujol
  • Hematomes by Tomáš Ráliš
    Translation: Naila Rami
    Cast: Clàudia Abellán, Isaac Canals, Ramon Pujol and Maria Ribera
  • Hèlsinki – Ruka 829 km by Veikka Heinonen
    Translation: Riikka Laakso
    Cast: Albert Pérez and Ramon Pujol
  • Thærie, vingui a nosaltres… by Julian Karenga
    Translation: Laura Segarra
    Cast: Isaac Canals, Albert Pérez, Ramon Pujol and Maria Ribera

Short plays by Thomas Dufour (Quebec), Asli Ekici (Turquía), Tommaso Fermariello (Italy), Aura Foguet (Catalonia/Balearic Islands), Veikka Heinonen (Finland), Irene Hérraez (Spain), Julian Karenga (Norway), Pierre Koestel (France), Yilong Liu (USA), Diego Lois Petit (Uruguay), Tomáš Ráliš (Czeck Republic) and Katherine Soper (United Kingdom).

Directed by Guillem Sánchez Garcia

Cast: Clàudia Abellán, Isaac Canals, Tamara Ndong, Albert Pérez, Ramon Pujol and Maria Ribera.

Direction assistant: Alba Collado

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