Semi-staged show

No em penedeixo de res

by Csaba Székely
Translated by
Antònia Escandell Tur
Directed by
Montse Rodríguez
From 23/07/2019 to 24/07/2019

At 7 p.m.

Sala d'assaig
5€ | Personatges de la Beckett: 3€

Dominic is an elderly pensioner, living alone in a small flat. None of his neighbours know who he really is: during Ceausescu’s dictatorship, he used to be one of the Romanian secret service’s high-ranking officers, a cold-blooded torturer. Dominic has no remorse, since he considers those deeds patriotic acts.

He is done with the past. However, his past isn’t done with him. One day a former colleague visits him to ask him for a favour, and on the same day he befriends his neighbour’s Aspergers daughter, who from then onwards will turn his life upside down. Dominic realises that, in order to deal with the past, he must go beyond limits he would never have thought himself capable of. And so, his journey to repentance begins.

This work-in-progress is carried out in the context of the Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe project.

Written by Csaba Székely
Translated by Antònia Escandell Tur
Directed by Montse Rodríguez

Cast: Xavier Boada, Àlex Martínez Vilademunt and Santi Ricart

Set and costume design: Anna Tantull
Sound design: Ricardo Gonzalez

Thanks to: Toby Harper

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