Staged reading

No ens tornarem a veure

by Víctor Borràs

At 7 p.m.

Parc Central del Poblenou
Free entry

Five works by some of the newest authors incorporated into the Catalan playwriting scene. All have premiered plays on the professional circuit and are starting to contribute new quality and diversity to the contemporary theatre scene. We will be hearing a lot about them.


Blanca has met Marc via a contacts app. She has chatted with him a few times, she has asked him questions and sent him a few photos. She has also suggested meeting up. At her house. At the house that Blanca is about to leave. To go and live somewhere else. And start over.

Marc has met Blanca via a contacts app. He has answered questions and has only sent her one photo. He doesn’t know why, but Blanca wants to meet him. At Blanca’s house. Marc has accepted without knowing that she wants to go and live somewhere else, far away. And start over.

Written and directed by Víctor Borràs

Cast: Ivan Benet and Cristina Genebat

Producction of the staged reading: Sala Beckett

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