
Presentation of the book “10 anys de teatre a Mallorca (2013-2023). De ‘Jardí desolat’ a ‘Reis del món’”


At 6:15 pm

El Menjador de la Beckett
Free entry

To mark the occasion of the publication of the book by J. A. Mendiola 10 anys de teatre a Mallorca (2013-2023). De “Jardí desolat” a “Reis del món” (10 years of theatre in Mallorca, from “Desolate Garden” to “Kings of the World”) by Lleonard Muntaner Editor, Josep Ramon Cerdà, playwright and director of the Teatre Principal de Palma between 2019 and 2023, and theatre critic J. A. Mendiola will talk about the evolution of theatre in Mallorca over the last decade, about the consolidation of some trajectories and the emergence of new proposals that are already beginning to reap their fruits on and off the island.

In the last ten years, theatre in Mallorca has experienced a boom like perhaps it has never experienced before. The quantity and quality of theatrical production has been remarkable, especially if we compare it with previous periods. However, to date, not enough publications or studies have been generated to record this situation and make it known to the rest of the country. On the other hand, there is one fairly exhaustive written chronicle of this evolution: the reviews of J. A. Mendiola, the most consistent theatre critic of recent decades, have been a faithful testimony of all this evolution and now readers can access them all together, collected in this volume.

Participants: J. A. Mendiola and Josep R. Cerdà

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