Staged reading

The End: Drama in the Face of Death

New Short Plays
Directed by
From 08/07/2019 to 10/07/2019

At 6 pm

Sala de baix
Free entry

Every year we invite a group of young writers from different countries to work during l’Obrador d’estiu with an experienced playwright. This year, for the first time this playwright is Alistair McDowall, who has proposed to work on the subject The End: Drama in the Face of Death. From this topic, authors have written short plays that, translated into Catalan, will be presented to the public in the form of staged readings.

Monday 8 July

Germanetes by Françoise Dô (France). Translated by Yannick Garcia
Com deia Lou Salomé by Lara Díez (Catalonia)
quan l’occident bufà a l’orient i l’orient fugí a l’occident by Thomas Perle (Austria). Translated by Angelica Ripa
La reina de les finances – un petit musical emprenedor by Aino Pennanen (Finland). Translated by Jordi Prat i Coll

Tuesday 9 July

Va bé, petit by Frankie Meredith (England). Translated by Jordi Prat i Coll
La Humanitat by Jakob Nolte (Germany). Translated by Angélica Ripa
¿Bette Davis estás ahí? by Domingo Milesi (Uruguay)

Wednesday 10 July

PLASMA * by Geoffrey Dahm (France). Translated by Yannick Garcia
La mort és dels altres by Francesca Garolla (Italy). Translated by Carlota Subirós
El ataúd by Adrián Bellido (Spain)

Short plays by Adrián Bellido (Spain), Geoffrey Dahm (France), Lara Díez (Catalonia), Françoise Dô (France), Francesca Garolla (Italy), Frankie Meredith (England), Domingo Milesi (Uruguay), Jakob Nolte (Germany), Aino Pennanen (Finland) and Thomas Perle (Austria).

Directed by: Iván Morales
Assistant: Carla Tovias

Cast: Pep Ambròs, Dolo Beltran, Jordi Ciurana, Sara Diego, Marta Millà, Albert Pérez, Vanessa Segura, Alba Teixidó, Berta Vidal and Pau Zabaleta

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