
Workshop 1: In Residence

From 02/10/2023 to 27/05/2024

Monday, from 12.30pm to 2.30pm

The IN RESIDENCE workshop is aimed at putting a playwright in touch with secondary school kids (age between 13-15) so that he or she shares with them a creation process. Oriol Morales i Pujolar will share with teenagers his writing methods and will encourage them to cowrite a play that will be staged or read (depending on time) at the end of the workshop.

The school selected to work with is the Institut Barri Besòs, a state secondary school placed in a depressed area in Barcelona. The student body is very diverse, since the great majority of students come from immigrant families.

During the working process, Oriol Morales i Pujolar will be in permanent contact with Romanian playwright Mihaela Michailov. She will come at some point in mid-November.

This workshop is part of New Voices, the new edition of the Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe.

Local playwright: Oriol Morales i Pujolar

Twinned playwright: Mihaela Michailov from Teatrul Odeon (Romania)

Secondary School: Institut Barri Besòs