Clàudia Cedó and Joan Yago at the Theatre LETÍ in Prague

Thursday 22 February 2018

In 2018-2019 Catalan playwrights Clàudia Cedó and Joan Yago, together with Czech playwrights David Košťák and Marie Nováková, are going to take part in the creation of the theatre project CAMPQ. During the Prague Quadriennale 2019, there will be an 8-hour-long show held on the island Štvanice, for which six stage designers will create a camp that is set up to integrate refugees from other planets. Audience will take an active part in a story that is about finding physical and mental borders. Three directors, four playwrights and one hundred actors will create an event that will be shown only five times.

This project was thought of by Theatre LETÍ from Prague. Theatre LETÍ was founded in 2005 and it unites artists with passion for contemporary drama. The main mission of Theatre LETÍ is to discover contemporary dramatic voices and to bring on stage plays that open social and political debates.

This project is carried out in the context of Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe.