
«Aquests éssers que habiten dins de nosaltres»

From 14/03/2023 to 16/03/2023
Course description

More information in Catalan / Spanish

Carole Fréchette

Trained as an actress at the National Theatre School of Canada, Carole Fréchette has been writing for over twenty-five years and is the author, among others, of Jean et Béatrice, La Peau d’Élisa, Les Sept jours de Simon Labrosse, Les Quatre morts de Marie, Le Collier d’Hélène, Violette sur la terre, La petite pièce en haut de l’escalier, Je pense à Yu (Penso en Yu) and Small Talk. Her texts, which have been translated into nineteen languages and have been performed all over the world, have won a large number of awards in Canada and abroad. She has been twice winner of the Canadian Governor General’s Award, in 1995 for Les Quatre Morts de Marie and in 2014 for Small Talk. She also received the Chalmers Prize in Toronto in 1998, for the best text created for theatre. In the year 2002, the SACD (Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers of Canada) awarded her the Francophone Prize in recognition of her projection within the Francophone scene. That same year she also received the Siminovitch Prize for Theatre, an award of prestige that is bestowed upon Canadian authors for their entire body of works.
Carole Fréchette is a writing enthusiast who for many years has been doing work mentoring young authors, above all at the National School of Theatre and also at teaching workshops, in both Quebec and abroad. Her plays for theatre are published by Leméac/Actes Sud-Papiers.

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