
La autoficción: decirse en escena

Teacher: Sergio Blanco ,
From 30/09/2019 to 05/10/2019
Course description

More information: Catalan/ Spanish

Sergio Blanco

Franco-Uruguayan playwright and theatre director Sergio Blanco lived his childhood and adolescence in Montevideo and today lives in Paris. After studying classical philology has decided to devote himself entirely to writing and theatre directing. His plays have been distinguished on reiterated occasions with various first prizes, among them the National Playwriting Prize of Uruguay, the Morosoli de Plata Prize for his career, the Playwriting Prize of the Mayoralty of Montevideo, the Fondo Nacional de Teatro Prize, the Florencio Prize for the Best Playwright, the International Casa de las Américas Prize and the Theatre Awards Prize for the Best Text in Greece. In 2017, his play Tebas Land received the prestigious British Off West End Theatre Award in London. His work entered the repertoire of the Comedia Nacional of Uruguay in 2003 and 2007 with his plays .45’ and Kiev. Among his best-known titles, highlights include Slaughter; .45’; Kiev; Opus Sextum; diptiko (vol. 1 y 2); Barbarie; Kassandra; El salto de Darwin; Tebas Land; Ostia; La ira de Narciso; El bramido de Düsseldorf; Cuando pases sobre mi tumba; Cartografía de una desaparición; El salto de Darwin; Divina invención and Zoo. Several of his plays have premiered in his own country and abroad and the majority of them have been translated into different languages and published in different countries.

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