
Les històries de la nostra gent gran

Writing workshop for people aged 45 years and over
Teacher: Carlos Be ,
From 27/04/2017 to 25/05/2017
Thursdays from 5pm to 8pm
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More information: Catalan / Spanish

Carlos Be

Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1974

Playwright and theatre director. Prominent among his works are El niño herido (2011), La caja Pilcik (Serantes Theatre Prize 2008), Llueven vacas (2008), Origami (Born Theatre Prize 2006), Amèn (2006), La extraordinaria muerte de Ulrike M. (runner-up for the Casa de América Prize – Festival de Escena Contemporánea de Dramatúrgia Innovadora 2005) and Noel Road 25: a genius like us (Caja España Prize 2001). His works have been performed in the Czech Republic, Spain, Panama and Venezuela.
As director of The Zombie Company, he has staged My favorite things, Torniquet, Achicorias and Eloísa y el domador de mariposas. He was also guest director at the Ungelt Theatre in Prague for the worldwide premiere of Origami
He is a monthly contributor to the magazine Artez. He lives between Spain and the Czech Republic.

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