
Inventing, dreaming, remembering

Playwriting workshop
Teacher: Pablo Remón ,
From 08/07/2024 to 13/07/2024
From Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 6 pm (Saturday, morning only)
390 € (lunch included)
More information

Total hours: 34h


Course description

“Inventing was remembering forward. Dreaming was remembering upward or downward. Remembering was inventing backward.”

Rodrigo Fresán, La parte recordada.

The playwright is the first to dream or give birth to the play. In this state halfway between the dream and wakefulness he invents (or dreams or remembers) images and sounds, and dares to name them with words. The description of this dreamt play is the text. From there, writing theatre can be as exciting (and impossible) as writing a dream.

Based on these three pillars (inventing, dreaming, remembering), the workshop seeks to be eminently practical so that each participant writes and rewrites a scene, which can be an independent short play, or form part of a longer play. We suggest approaching writing from heterodoxy and distancing ourselves from formulas: each play requires a different way, a new way of writing. Writing as an exploration and as an adventure, seeking what is playful and committed, avoiding what Javier Daulte calls “the greatest enemies of theatre”: solemnity and frivolity.


Participants should prepare by reading the following texts:

  • The Room by Harold Pinter
  • The Judgment by Franz Kafka
  • Midnight all Day by Hanif Kureishi
  • A Visit from a Good Squad by Jennifer Egan
  • of Speculation by Jenny Offill

We will also work with examples taken from my plays, published by La uÑa RoTa.

Within the GREC 2024 Festival de Barcelona

Pablo Remón

Pablo Remón is a playwright, scriptwriter and theatre director.

He has written and directed the plays La abducción de Luis Guzmán, 40 años de paz, Barbados, etcétera, El tratamiento, Los mariachis, Doña Rosita, anotada, Los farsantes, Barbados en 2022 and Vania x Vania. His plays have been premiered in theatres such as Pavón Kamikaze, Teatro Valle-Inclán or Teatros del Canal de Madrid, along with participating in the Festival de Otoño de la Comunidad de Madrid, the Grec Festival in Barcelona or the FIBA in Buenos Aires. They have been translated into French, English, Italian and Polish and performed in countries such as the United States and Argentina. In 2023 he directed the Italian production of Los farsantes, premiered at the Festival Due Mondi, in Spoleto. In 2024 an English version of Doña Rosita, anotada will be premiered in London, at the Cervantes Theatre. He has won awards such as the Premio Lope de Vega or the Premio Jardiel Poncela. He was distinguished with the National Prize for Dramatic Literature 2021.

As a scriptwriter, he has cowritten several feature films, such as No sé decir adiós and Intemperie. He was awarded the Goya Prize for the best adapted script, the Julio Alejandro Prize for Latin American Scriptwriting, and the Biznaga de Plata for the best script at the Málaga Film Festival on two occasions. He has directed short films that have earnt awards in the most important festivals in Spain, and has written for series such as Vamos Juan, Venga Juan, La Ruta and Nos vemos en otra vida. Also for television, he has won the Feroz prize and the ALMA prize for the best script on two occasions.

He has been guest speaker at New York University, the First Latin American Congress of Scriptwriters held in Mexico City, and Euroimágenes in Colombia, among others. From 2011 to 2019 he coordinated the Script Diploma at ECAM. In 2019 he was a member of the jury of the Princess of Asturias Prize for Literature.

His plays have been published by La uÑa RoTa, in three volumes: Abducciones (2018) includes all the plays performed by the company La_Abducción until 2018, while Fantasmas (2020) and Los Farsantes (2022) include his later production.

Important information

Admission to the course will be based on order of arrival and CV assessment, which should be sent (with photograph included), filling in the form on the right.

Places on courses are limited. Places will be reserved once the course amount has been paid. Payment must be made within one week of receiving the corresponding acceptance email.

The dates indicated for each course or seminar may be subject to variations in exceptional circumstances. These will be notified when applicable.

For the course to take place, a minimum number of students must be registered. If this number is not reached, the course will be cancelled and the student will have the option of registering for a different course (providing that there are places available) or alternatively will receive a refund of the amount paid (100%). If a student withdraws, a refund of 75% of the registration fee will be applicable, providing that written notice is given at least 10 days before the start of the course.