
L’encàrrec: escriure un text teatral de nova creació (Oblidar l’escena per tornar a l’escena)

Advanced course in playwriting
From 21/04/2017 to 23/06/2017
Fridays from 5pm to 8pm
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More information: Catalan / Spanish

Ricard Gázquez

(Palamós, 1969)

He holds a degree in Spanish Language and Literature and a postgraduate diploma in Performing Arts. He has attended several playwriting seminars such as those of José Sanchis Sinisterra and Yves Lebeau. Currently he is the Artistic Director of the Aula de Teatre at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Among the plays he has written and directed the most notable are La lengua atolondrada (Fabra i Coats, 2013), Folie en famille (Sala Beckett, 2007. Nominated for the Premis Butaca), Sweet Dreams, jointly written with Enric Nolla (Teatre Tantarantana, 2005), Niederungen (Sala Beckett and Sitges Teatre Internacional, 2002. Premi Butaca for the best small format production and best stage design) and Addictes a la Pepsi (Sala Beckett, 1999). He has also written radio plays: Els inquilins (Catalunya Ràdio, 2006), Una Nit i Simulacre (COMRàdio, 2008).

Other unpublished plays include Llengua de Bou (2000), Tarta Tatin (2001) and Nocturn a quatre mans (2008). As a stage director he has staged: Efectes Secundaris, by Ada Vilaró (2007) Jaula, by Itziar Pascual (Tantarantana, 2008), and En estat d’excepció, de Falk Richter (Sala Beckett, 2011).

From this playwright, Sala Beckett has shown Addicted to Pepsi (1999), Niederungen, based on Herta Müller’s short stories (2002), and Folie in famille (2007). In addition, over the years he has taught several playwriting and acting workshops. Translations of his plays into other languages are available at

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