
L’escriptura inesperada

Teacher: Helena Tornero ,
From 10/01/2018 to 07/03/2018
Course description

More information in Catalan / Spanish.

Helena Tornero

Holder of a Diploma in Tourism from the UdG and Graduate in Directing and Playwriting from the Theatre Institute. She has studied playwriting with T. Cabré, C. Batlle, S. Belbel, Enzo Cormann, J. Sanchis Sinisterra and Rafael Spregelburd. In theatre, she has written El Vals de la Garrafa (Joan Santamaria Prize 2002), Les Madames (Artenbrut, 2003), Submergir-se en l’aigua (SGAE Prize 2007), Suplicants (Temporada Alta 2008), De música i d’homes (Tantarantana 2009), Apatxes (14 d’Abril Theatre Prize 2009), De-sideris (2010), You’re pretty and I’m drunk (Teatre Lliure 2011), Mein Kapital (2012), Sota l’ombra d’un bell arbre (Portugal 2012), Yesterday (Theatre Uncut, London 2012), Don’t Talk to Strangers (Fragments of Memory) (TNC 2013), Búnquer (Grec 2013) and Love & fascism (Istanbul Theatre Festival 2014). She has translated texts by Evelyne de la Chenelière, Michel Marc Bouchard, Fabrice Melquiot and Paula Vogel. Teacher of theatre theory, she is currently working as an actress in Kabarett-Protokoll and in the opera libretto DisPlace (Musiktheatertage, Viena 2015).

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