
Com millorar la teva obra

Teacher: Jordi Galceran ,
From 31/01/2018 to 07/03/2018
Course description

More information in Catalan / Spanish.

Jordi Galceran

(Barcelona, 1964)

He studied Catalan Language and Literature at the Universitat de Barcelona. In 1988 he started writing comedies, some performed on the amateur circuit and directed by himself. 

In 1995 he decided for the first time to enter his two most recent plays in theatre contests. Paraules encadenades (1995) won the 20th Premi Born de Teatre and Dakota (1995) received the 1995 Premi Ignasi Iglésias of the Institut del Teatre, Diputació de Barcelona.

He has also premiered Surf (1990), Fuita (1994), Gaudí (2002), Paradís (2000), Carnaval (2005) and El mètode Grönholm (2003), a play premiered in May 2003, under the direction of Sergi Belbel, within the project T-6 of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya. The play was revived in September 2004 in Barcelona and in Madrid and, at present, it has productions underway or planned in more than twenty countries. Cancun (2007) is his latest comedy.

Galceran has also translated and adapted several plays. In addition to his theatre activity, he has worked as a scriptwriter for diverse television series and has premiered six feature films.

Translations of his plays into other languages are available at

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