
Teatre per a noies i nois de 13 a 16 anys

From 03/10/2024 to 12/06/2025
Course description

More information in Catalan / Spanish

Oriol Morales i Pujolar

He trained in stage directing and playwriting at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona and at the Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia of the Sala Beckett. He had previously trained in acting, completing the studies plan of the Col·legi de Teatre in Barcelona.

He has written and directed the self-created shows Com destruir una casa (Festival Temporada Alta/Sala La Planeta); Articulado ligero (Teatre Tantarantana); Bruels, a show that won the Adrià Gual Award (Teatre Lliure/Festival Grec) and Granotes (La Pedrera/Festival TNT/Sala Beckett). He has also directed shows commissioned by companies such as Unter den Linden, La Llarga and AgitArt.

He is a professor of dramatic writing and stage direction at the EAS degree in Eòlia and of interpretation at the CFGS of the Col·legi de Teatre. He has taught classes for all levels and ages in different schools such as Lazzigags or Platea.