From 15/10/2019 to 17/12/2019
Course description
Llàtzer Garcia
Girona, 1981
He is the author of the plays Au revoir, Lumière (2003, Ciutat de Sagunt Prize), Sweet nothing (2007, Ciutat d’Amposta Prize), Vent a les veles (2009, Marqués de Bradomín Prize. Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid), Ens hauríem d’haver quedat a casa (2010, Festival Temporada Alta. Sala Muntaner), Kafka a la ciutat de les mentides (2011, La Cuina. Festival Grec), La terra oblidada (2012, Ciutat de Gandia Prize. SalaFlyhard), Dust (2014, Barcelona Critics’ Prize and Serra d’Or Prize) and Sota la ciutat (2015, Festival Temporada Alta. Teatre Lliure), among others. He has also written the short plays Doppelgänger, Ara em toca a mi and Jericó. He is the playwright and the director of the company Arcàdia.
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