Barcelona, 1966
She is a graduate in Information Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her most recent plays for theatre are L’any que ve serà millor, collective work with texts by Marta Buchaca, Carol López and Victoria Szpunberg (La Villarroel, 2011); Quebec-Barcelona, a project with the Théâtre de la Sortie de Secours of Quebec (premiere in 2012); and the divertissement Santi’s RIP (Fira de Tàrrega, 2011). Previously, and within the programme T6 of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, she has presented Informe per a un policia volador (Sala Muntaner, 2009) and En defensa dels mosquits albins (TNC, 2008). This latter work travelled afterwards to the Theâtre Le Periscope (Quebec) and the Théâtre de la Vieille 17 (Otawa). Furthermore, she is the author of the short text Una lluita molt personal (2004); La dona i el detectiu (2000), presented at the Sala Beckett; Un aire absent, written in 1997 with a grant from the Catalan Government’s Drama Centre and presented as a dramatised reading in France and the United Kingdom; Àfrica 30, Ignasi Iglésias Prize, runner-up for the Maria Teresa de León Prize for Women Dramatists in 1996 and premiered at the Sala Beckett in 1998 and Al Tren (1995). She regularly works as a screenwriter for television.