
What are the real rules? (From the dramatic form to the open form)

Course for beginners in playwriting in which theory and practice will combine to question rules and conventions
From 08/07/2024 to 12/07/2024
From Monday to Friday from 10 am to 2 pm
295 € (price with lunch)
250 € (price without lunch)
More information

Total hours: 20 h


Course description

A tour through the basic concepts of dramatic writing accompanied by practical writing exercises, with special emphasis on the dialogue between the rules proposed by dramatic convention and the personal perspective of each participant.

Theatre as a space for developing the imagination and the limits of language and of performance.

Within the GREC 2024 Festival of Barcelona.

Victoria Szpunberg

Buenos Aires, 1973

Playwright and teacher of drama at the Institut del Teatre and at the Escola Superior de Coreografia de Barcelona. In the year 2000, she was invited to take up an International Residency at the Royal Court Theatre with her first play. Since then, her works have premiered at different national and international festivals and theatres. Besides her career as an author, she has collaborated with different choreographers, signed dramatic productions and theatre adaptations, worked as a director and written plays for the radio and sound installations. She has also participated in Theatre and Education projects and is a collaborator of the Patothom school for social theatre. Highlights among her works include Entre aquí y allá (Lo que dura un paseo), L’aparador (Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, 2003), Esthetic Paradise (Sala Beckett – Festival Grec, 2004), La màquina de parlar (a production that she also directed at the Sala Beckett, 2007/2022 and at the Sala PIM in Milan, 2008), El meu avi no va anar a Cuba (Festival Grec – Sala Beckett, 2008), La marca preferida de las hermanas Clausman (Teatre Tantarantana, 2010), Boys don’t Cry (Teatre Tantaranta, 2012), L’Onzena Plaga (Teatre Lliure, 2015), Balena blava (Teatre Nacional, 2017), El pes d’un cos (TNC and Centro Dramático Nacional, 2022) and Mal de coraçon (TNC, 2023).

Important information

Admission to the course will be based on order of arrival and CV assessment, which should be sent (with photograph included), filling in the form on the right.

Places on courses are limited. Places will be reserved once the course amount has been paid. Payment must be made within one week of receiving the corresponding acceptance email.

The dates indicated for each course or seminar may be subject to variations in exceptional circumstances. These will be notified when applicable.

For the course to take place, a minimum number of students must be registered. If this number is not reached, the course will be cancelled and the student will have the option of registering for a different course (providing that there are places available) or alternatively will receive a refund of the amount paid (100%). If a student withdraws, a refund of 75% of the registration fee will be applicable, providing that written notice is given at least 10 days before the start of the course.