
Aquí s’aprèn poca cosa

(stage adaptation of Robert Walser's novel 'Jakob von Gunten') by Toni Casares
Robert Walser
From 12/11/2009 to 13/12/2009

This show will premiere on Sunday 8th November 2009 at the Festival Temporada Alta of Girona.

If you are interested in booking this show please contact the Sala Beckett (Juli Macarulla (+34) 93 284 53 12).

Dramaturgy & Direction: Toni Casares

Featuring: Pep Ambrós, Guillem Motos, Alícia Pérez, Quimet Pla, Omar Sanchis, Jaume Ulled, Pau Viñals and Albert Viñas

Stage: Eugenio Swarcer and Paula Bosch

Costume: Miriam Compte

Lighting: David Bofarull

Sound Design: Lucas Vallejos

Dramaturgical Collaboration: Carles Batlle

Special Collaboration in Body and Movement: Tomeu Vergés

Assistant Director: Nuria Legarda

Assistant Director Intern from the Institut del Teatre: Gerard Iravedra

Costume Assistant: Nídia Tusal

IDEP Intern (Costume): Sara Pagès

Hair: Àngels Salinas

Construction: Xarli

Photography: David Ruano

Programme Photography: Nani Pujol

Production: Sala Beckett / Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia

Acknowledgments: José Sanchis Sinisterra, Sergi Buka, Montse Guals, Toni Santos, Benito Camela and actors from l’Aula de Teatre de la UAB (1999-2000)

A production from the Sala Beckett/Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia with the collaboration of the Festival Temporada Alta.

Premiere at the Festival Temporada Alta, Sala la Planeta (Gerona), Sunday 8 November

Premiere at the Sala Beckett (Barcelona), Thursday 12 November

Duration: 2 hours approx.