
Dublin Carol

by Conor McPherson. Translated by Lluís Miquel Bennàssar. Directed by Manel Dueso
Conor McPherson
From 10/12/2008 to11/01/2009


John: Manel Dueso
Mary: Àurea Márquez
Mark: Bernat Quintana

Assistant direction: Vicky Mullor
Assistant Director Intern from the Institut del Teatre: Gerard Iravedra
Set designer: Sebastià Brosa and Maria Pons
Assistant Set Designer Intern from the Institut del Teatre: Gerorgina Bernadó
Lighting: David Bofarull
Sound designer: Pepe Bel
Costume designer: Nídia Tusal
Characterization: Núria Llunell


Acknowledgments: Centre d’Arts Escèniques de Terrassa (CAET), teatre Romea, La Perla29, Cementiris de Barcelona i

Serveis Funeraris Integrals



A production of Sala Beckett