
El petit Eiolf

by Henrik Ibsen. Adapted and directed by Toni Casares
Henrik Ibsen
From 13/04/2011 to 15/05/2011

Author: Henrik Ibsen

Adaptation and direction: Toni Casares


Alfred Allmers: Òscar Muñoz

Rita Allmers: Alícia González Laá

Eiolf: Sara Rosa Losilla

Asta Allmers:
Aina Huguet

Borgheim: Albert Prat

Rat-Wife: Jesusa Andany

Costume designer: Míriam Compte

Set designer: Paula Miranda and Alfonso Ferri

Lighting designer:
David Bofarull

Sound designer: Lucas Ariel Vallejos

Video projections: Alfonso Ferri

Characterization: Àngels Salines

Play image: Alfonso Ferri

Photographies: David Ruano

Set construction: Xarli Hernández Pol

Prosthesis: Gerard Tubau

Props: Paula Miranda

Assistant director: Nuria Legarda

Assistant director trainee by Institut del Teatre: David Bo

Thanks: Laia Grau, Sergi Belbel, La Perla29, Eugenio Szwarcer, Luis Martí and Horacio ‘Flaco’ Sosa

Produced by Sala Beckett / Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia