
El setè cel

by Caryl Churchill. Translated by Arnau Marín Díaz. Direction: Glòria Balañà i Altimira
Caryl Churchill
From 20/03/2014 to 13/04/2014

Author: Caryl Churchill

Translation: Arnau Marín Díaz

Direction: Glòria Balañà i Altimira


Harry Bagley/Gerry: Albert Alemany

Clive/Cathy: Elies Barberà

Ellen/Mrs. Saunders/Victoria: Jenny Beacraft

Joshua/Martin: Arnau Marín

Edward/Lin: Marta Montiel

Betty/Edward: Lluís Olivé

Maud/Betty: Teresa Urroz

Stage space and Costumes: Meritxell Muñoz

Music and sound design: Roger Marín

University student on work experience for Master’s Degree in Theatre Studies: Esther Lázaro


A co-production by Sala La Planeta and Teatre de l’Enjòlit

With the collaboration of Sala Beckett/Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia