
George Kaplan

by Frédéric Sonntag. Translated by Carles Batlle. Direction:Toni Casares
From 04/07/2013 to 28/07/2013
1h 35m


A group of young activists discusses launching an anonymous campaign to denounce the western cultural and media system.
A team of scriptwriters works on a story in response to the collapse of the current western system of values.
An important power group (a kind of shadow government) considers how to deal with an unusual threat to the very foundations of our economic and social system.

At all three meetings, the striking, enigmatic name of
George Kaplan circulates from mouth to mouth.

Three stories (or just one?) that explore the political implications of contemporary myths, or how Hollywood projects its own representation of world geopolitics. Not only that, but we learn about Alfred Hitchcock’s involvement in an international plot and how a hen can save humanity.

Author: Frédéric Sonntag

Translator: Carles Batlle
Director: Toni Casares

Cast: Sara Espígul, Borja Espinosa, Francesc Ferrer, Jordi Figueras and Sandra Monclús, and the collaboration of Joan Manel Orfila and José Ángel Rico

Set designer: Luis Martí and Paula Bosch

Set designer and characterization: Gimena González

Lighting designer: Luis Martí

Sound and visual designer: Ramon Ciércoles and Mar Orfila

Props manager: Paula Bosch

Poster photographer: La Fotogràfica

Stage photographer: David Ruano

Assistant director trainee by Institut del Teatre: Valeria Villar

Assistant director: Aina Tur

Thanks: Arnau Vidal and Alexandre Hotels

Coproduced by Sala Beckett/Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia, Grec 2013 Festival de Barcelona and Theater Konstanz (Alemanya)

With the collaboration of Institut Français de Barcelone