

by Jan Vilanova Claudín. Directed by Pau Roca
Directed by
Pau Roca
From 20/01/2016 to 21/02/2016
75 min

Author: Jan Vilanova Claudín

Director: Pau Roca

Cast: Miquel Gelabert, Vicky Luengo and Pau Roca/Enric Cambray (22 and 23/01/16, 4, 5 and 6/2/16)

Set: Paula Bosch

Costumes: Silvia Delagneau

Lights: Ignasi Bosch

Movement: Patrícia Bargalló

Music: Txume Viader

Video: Paula Bosch

Director assistant: Isis Martín and Patrícia Bargalló
Executive production: David Costa and Adriana Nadal

Thanks to: La Perla 29, Pilar Mir, Anna Cuscó, Luis Martí, Alberto Barberà, Toni Ramoneda, Joan Meseguer, Andreu Mayayo, Ricard Vinyes, Pilar Nadal, Marcel Vilarós, Teatre de l’Enjòlit and Eugenio Szwarcer

Lenght: 75 min

A production of Sixto Paz Produccions