La màquina d’aigua
by David Mamet. Directed by Àlex Rigola
Autor: David Mamet
Adaptation and direction: Àlex Rigola
Cast: Pepo Blasco, Rosa Boladeras, Mònica Ayban, Jordi Collet, Ramon Enrich, Daniela Feixas, Oscar Intente, Àngels Molner, Jordi Puig, Fèlix Pons and Joan Raja.
Set designer: Bibiana Puigdefàbregas
Costume designer: M.Rafa Serra
Lighting: Tito Rueda
Characterization: Eva Fernández
Assistant director and executive production: Mercè Cervera
A coproduction of Sitges Teatre Internacional 1999 and Kronos Teatre company.