by Rafael Spregelburd. Translated into Catalan by Pere Puig
From 10/01/2007 to 21/01/2007
Playwright and director: Rafael Spregelburd
Catalan translator: Pere Puig
Cast: Cristina Cervià, Oriol Guinart, David Planas and Meritxell Yanes
Assitant director: Victoria Szpunberg
Set designer: Ricard Prat
Lighting: August Viladomat
Original music: Federico Zypce
Executive production: Anna Carina Ribas y Mentidera Teatre
A production of sala La Planeta (Mithistòrima Produccions)
With the support of Sala Beckett, l’ICIC, Festival Temporada Alta 2006. Festival de Tardor de Catalunya. Girona/Salt, Diputació de Girona and Ajuntament de Girona.