
Una gossa en un descampat

Directed by
From 25/06/2018 to 29/07/2018

This season’s resident artist at the Sala Beckett poses the question of how we come to terms with the arrival of death when what we were waiting for was life. One young woman must use everything she has in order to face the death of her unborn child. However, Clàudia Cedó is not just a rising star, she is also a writer who has entered the community theatre via the Special Settings Project, and has used the stage (and her degree in Psychology) as a social integration tool, employing people with mental disabilities in the scenic creation.


Like so many couples of their age, Júlia and Pau eagerly await the arrival of their baby which is five months into its pregnancy. However, an unexpected pain leads them to the doctor’s consulting room where a few days later, they must face a terrible reality: the baby that Júlia is carrying will not survive. The story of how this couple overcome this and the way in which we all must, at some point, learn to face our fears are at the heart of this dramatic production, staged by a playwright who has already shown her creations (such a Tortugues: la desacceleracio de les particules, winner of the Butaca prize for best play text, or L’home sense veu) at festivals and small theatres.

More information in Catalan / Spanish.

Author: Clàudia Cedó

Director: Sergi Belbel

Performers: Pep Ambròs, Anna Barrachina, Queralt Casasayas, Vicky Luengo, Xavier Ricart, Maria Rodríguez

A coproduction of Grec 2018 Festival de Barcelona and Sala Beckett

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