Albert Boronat

Albert Boronat holds a degree in Philosophy from the Universitat de Barcelona and in Stage Directing and Playwriting from the Institut del Teatre. He trained as an actor at Estudis de Teatre Berty Tobías and at Estudio Baroco (Manuel Lillo, Txiki Berraondo). He is the founder, playwright and co-director of the company Projecte NISU (Projecte de Navegació Incendiària i Salvament Unilateral), which to date has produced Vamos a por Guti (1st Prize at the Festival Escena Simulacro in Madrid; premiered at Versus Teatre in Barcelona, 2012), Bostezo 2.0 (Teatre Lliure, 2013, as part of the Aixopluc-3 d’un glop season), Shell (Adrià Gual Prize 2013 – Mercat de les Flors as part of the programme for the Festival GREC 2014 and Festival Frinje15 in Madrid) and Teenage Dream (Nou Tantarantana, 2015). He regularly produces works of creation and drama with other authors: Zero, directed by Pep Pla (Teatre Lliure, Festival GREC 2012, La Seca-Espai Brossa); Waits F.M., directed by Nicholàs Chevallier/Ana Roca (Espai La Cuina-New Authors, Festival GREC, 2012); Trossos, directed by Ricard Soler (production by Fira del Teatre in Tàrrega and Centre d’Arts Escèniques in Terrassa) by the company Obskené, with whom he works regularly and has premiered his text Éste no es un lugar adecuado para morir, directed by Judith Pujol (Sala Beckett, 2013); and Televisor i misèria de la II transició, directed by Carme Portaceli (Teatre Romea, Festival GREC 2013). He was also been assistant director and dramaturgical advisor for Voyager, by Marc Angelet (Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, 2012). He has worked as a radio scriptwriter and has run theatre workshops at prison centres. He carries out educational work on theatre theory, practice and interpretation at different centres. He was the recipient of the “(ETC) En Blanco” grant (2014), awarded by La Cuarta Pared, a theatre venue in Madrid. He is currently a member of the editorial committee of the magazine “(Pausa.)” linked to the Sala Beckett, as well as of its recently created Obrador de Filosofia (Philosophy Workshop).
The Sala Backet has presented his plays Este no es un lugar adecuado para morir (2013) and Snorkel (2015).