Àngels Aymar

Actress, playwright and stage director. She has written over thirty plays awarded, performed, translated and published in several languages. She has written and directed Enverinades (Barcelona, 2018), Città (Italian coproduction, 2017), Hearts Beating Like Drums (Wild Project Theatre, New York, 2015), 100FEMMES (Festival Grec 2013; on tour in the Netherlands and Soth Korea, 2013/2014) and Solavaya, (Prelude Festival and Teatro Repertorio Español, New York, 2010), among others. She is the first female Catalan playwright to be invited to participate in the Pen World Voices Festival NY-2008 with Out of the Blue. Resident author at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya from 2006 to 2009, with Trueta and La Indiana. In 1992 the Catalan Government awarded her a grant for stay with the company The Wilma Theater in Philadelphia (USA).