Bogdan Georgescu
Artist, observationist. Tools in use: playwriting, community theatre, video composing, producing, social intervention, project management. Soros Fellow of UEP 2004; Cornerstone alumni of Institute 2, CEC Arts Link Fellow – residency hosted by Brown University, Writing for Stage Program. He works as an artist in creative processes based on the collaboration with the community involved and interdisciplinarity for Active Art project such as The Sensitive Map, RahovaNonstop, Build your community!, The Evacuation of The Student’s Culture House in Timisoara, The Countryside Tour, The House of People, Kickstart Limanu, ROGVAIV, For The Win, Triple Point, Everything is realities, Antisocial.
Plays and scripts include: Romania! Kiss me (produced by Play Company in New York 2006, The National Theatre of Iaşi, 2009) House of People (The Maximum Security Prison, Craiova), I am special –; XXXCartoons – participative theatre experiment in a virtual set; the documentary blogbook; D.W. – 3D text; ROGVAIV (published by PAJ – Performance Arts Journal, vol. XXXV, nr. 1 / 2012, PAJ 103, published by MIT Press, Cambridge MA), FTW, Triple Point, Everything is realities, ANTISOCIAL. Youtube channel: bo2gdan.
At the Sala Beckett, the work-in-progress of his play Antisocial will be shown in the context of the European project Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe.