Clàudia Cedó

Psychologist, playwright and theatre director
At the age of 10, Clàudia became involved in theatre in the town where she lives, Banyoles. From the age of 14 years she created an amateur theatre company with her colleagues, wrote and directed in local companies, taught theatre classes and participated in over 50 amateur shows in her home town. She earned a degree in Psychology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and worked as a psychologist: at prison centres, with people with autism and with people undergoing substance dishabituation. She graduated in Dramatic Art and formed part of Dokumentar Theater of Berlin. In 2006, she created Escenaris Especials, a project that combines her two areas of specialisation: psychology and theatre, offering drama courses to people at risk of social exclusion: actors and actresses with functional diversity, disability, autism and mental illness. Currently, Escenaris Especials has 100 students, 10 groups and 9 teachers.
She is the author and director of Júlia?, De petits tots matàvem formigues, Tortugues: La desacceleració de les partícules, Et Planto and L’home sense veu. Cedó won the 5th Tournament of Catalan Playwrighting and the Playwrighting Tournament of Madrid. She is co-author at Camp-Q at Divadlo Letí in Prague, Identity of Europe in Lichtenstein and Akelarre at the Maldà in Barcelona. She has also written Frankenstein sóc jo, a short text premiered at the Teatre Lliure within the Lliure Women Season.
Clàudia Cedó was resident playwright at the Sala Beckett in 2017-2018. Her latest text, Júlia & The Empty Lot, is the fruit of this residency and was premiered at the Sala Beckett in co-production with the Grec Festival and directed by Sergi Belbel. She has been awarded the Critics Prizes for Best Show, Best Text and Best Actress, the Butaca Prizes for Best Show of small format, Best text and Best direction, and the Núvol Apuntador Prize for Best Playwriting.
Since 2017 she is one of the playwrights taking part in the European project Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe