David Plana

(Manlleu, 1969)

A graduate in Acting and Directing and Playwriting from the Institut del Teatre. In the year 1997, he premiered Mala sang (Sala Beckett, winner of the newcomer of the year award in 1997) and the “Serra d’Or” for the best text for theatre). In 1998, he co-directed the play Criatures, with theatre company T de Teatre, and Petita mort, an own text, at the Sala Beckett. In the year 1997, he wrote La dona incompleta (Sala Beckett, directed by Sergi Belbel, which won the “Serra d’Or” for the best show and the Butaca Award for the best text of the year in 2001). He has also premiered Petita mort (Sala Beckett), Després ve la nit (Sala Beckett), Paradís oblidat (TNC), Dia de partit (Teatre Lliure), La casa del bosc (a short play, winner of the 2nd Temporada Alta Playwriting Tournament), El bon pare (Teatre Borràs) and Els Encantats (Sala Beckett). In the year 2015, he won ex-aequo with Josep Maria Miró the Frederic Roda theatre award with the play Els encantats. His works have been translated into English, French, Italian and Spanish. He has a long career as a scriptwriter for series such as Moncloa, ¿Dígame?La memòria dels cargolsJet-Lag, L’un per l’altreVentdelplà and L’enigma Verdaguer. He has been creator and plot director of the series La Riera (TV3) and Mercado Central (TVE). Currently he takes part of the scriptwriter team of the TV show Jo mai mai, broadcasted on TV3.