Eric Balbàs

After leaving the Institut del Teatre, he completed his career training courses on acting taught by Javier Daulte, Fernando Piernas, Will Keen, Tonucha Vidal, Andrés Lima, Nuria Legarda, and Agustí Estadella, on clown work with Toto Castiñeiras and on biomechanics with Moreno Bernardi. His plays as director have been Elefant terrible (winner CROQUIS – Sala Beckett 2016) with Roger Torns, and Danny and the deep blue sea with EL EJE and Aquàrium (Microteatre Barcelona).
His latest work in theatre as an actor includes Elefant terrible (winner CROQUIS – Sala Beckett 2016) Soliloquejar amb algú by Roger Torns with EL EJE (La Seca Espai Brossa), Famylia by The Mamzelles Teatre (La Seca Espai Brossa), Al comença-ment by Boris Rotenstein (Miniteatres BCN), Obsolescence i cèl·lules T with EL EJE (Espai Fontana i Porta 4), Se fue en un barco by Joan Vàquez (Teatre Almeria), No pujaràs a l’àtic by Jumon Erra (Teatre Tantarantana), Antígona.Garzón by Boris Rotenstein (Nau Ivanow), among others. In television and cinema we were able to see him in Carlos Rey Emperador by Diagonal Televisió for TVE and in the Canadian film Les êtres chers by Anne Emond.