Ferran Joanmiquel Pla

(Girona, 1975)

He trained as an actor at the El Galliner theatre training centre in Girona, and in contemporary dance at the Area and La Caldera centres in Barcelona.

He trained in playwriting and stage adaptation at different courses run by the Casa de Cultura in Girona and at the Obrador de la Sala Beckett, with teachers such as Jordi Prat, Michel-Marc Bouchard, José Sanchis Sinistierra, Paco Zarzoso and Simon Stephens. As a playwright, he has won three prizes: the 11th Boira de Vic Prize, for Riu Gener (2008); the Josep Ametller Prize for theatrical texts (45th Recvll de Blanes Prizes 2009), for Dinou; and the 7th Joaquim M.Bartrina de Reus Theatre Prize (2009), for Blau. He is also the author of Satori Park (2010), Apareguda (2011), Desitjar viure en un país sense vent (2012), Vidres als ulls (2013) and La nit dels ganivets roents (2014).

He studied education in the 3rd Postgraduate Course in Theatre and Education at the Theatre Institute of Vic and has extensive experience as a teacher of drama in different educational and sociocultural spheres. He is currently working with youth groups and teaches the subject Body in the second course of the Dramatic Art qualification at El Galliner.

From this playwright, Sala Beckett has shown Dinou (2012), Blau (2015) and La crida (2015). Translations of his plays into other languages are available at www.catalandrama.cat.