Gerard Vázquez

(Barcelona, 1959)

Barcelona, 1959

Playwright, screenwriter and director received his training with the playwright José Sanchis Sinisterra in Sala Beckett (Barcelona). As playwright he has made several adaptations for the stage, specifically La strada (F. Fellini), Riure en la foscor (Laughter in the Dark) by V. Nabokov, and Bartleby (H. Melville). Original works include Tiempo de ensayo, which was awarded the Premi SGAE for theatre; Magma, Born theatre prize; El somriure del guanyador, recipient of the Alcoi City theatre award; Numbert, produced at the Philarmonica Clown theatre company in Italy, El retratista, co-written with Jorge Barra, Critica Serra d’Or award; Quid pro quo, Recull Theatre award and Uuuuh!, premiered at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, winner of the 2006 Premi Butaca for best theatre text and finalist in the Max awards for theatre arts.