Jean-Pierre Ryngaert

Jean-Pierre Ryngaert (1945) is Emeritus professor of Theatrical Studies at the Sorbonne University (Paris 3). He has taught dramatics at the ERAC (Cannes and Marseille School of Acting) since autumn 2011 and directs the Summer University of the festival La Mousson d’été.
Ryngaert is a specialist in contemporary dramatic script and, more generally, in dramaturgy. Furthermore, he is equally interested in the teaching of play and the relationships between knowledge and the stage. Along these lines, he exercises professionally as a dramaturgy adviser and sometimes also as a theatre director. In January 2017, for example, he directed the play J’irai dehors, by Didier Delahais, at the Glob Theatre in Bordeaux.
J. P. Ryngaert has also contributed to numerous collective publications, dictionaries, encyclopaedias and the CNRS (France’s National Scientific Research Centre), with the book entitled Voies de la création théâtrale. Apart from all this, he regularly publishes articles and participates in international conferences.
Highlights among his works include:
–Théâtres du XXIe siècle. Commencements (with Julie Sermon). Armand Colin, 2012.
–Ecritures dramatiques contemporaines. Armand Colin, July 2011.
–Graphies en scène (co-directed with Ariane Martinez). Editions Théâtrales, June 2011.
–Jouer, représenter, new edition in France. Armand Colin, 2010.
–Jouer, représenter (new Brazilian edition). Sao Paulo, COSAC et NAIFY Edicioes, March 2009.
–Introduction à l’analyse du théâtre, new edition (3rd), revised and expanded. Armand Colin, Jamiarener 2008.
–Le personnage contemporain, Décomposition, recomposition (with Julie Sermon). Editions Théâtrales, June 2006.
–Nouveaux Territoires du dialogue (directing). Actes Sud-Papiers, November 2005.