Jibbe Willems

After graduating from the Theatre Academy in Maastricht, Jibbe Willems has worked as an actor, a director, and as a savings and loans consultant for a major Dutch bank that had to be rescued with State aid when the crisis hit, before he began to write fulltime for theatre. For about ten years now, he has been writing, translating, and adapting plays for various companies. He does not limit himself to one genre, but investigates form and function of language for different audiences. Sometimes large, sometimes small, sometimes young and sometimes older, from plays to librettos, from the big stage of the Internationaal Theater Amsterdam to the flying circuses of the summer festivals. For Willems, each new play is a new search into the depths of a theme, and a new experiment with language. His work has been translated and staged in Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Germany, Spain, Surinam, the Czech Republic, the United States, Mexico, China, Egypt, and Belgium, and has been awarded and nominated on different occasions.

More information on Jibbe Willems can be found at www.jibbewillems.nl, where his plays are also available for download.