Joan Cavallé

(Alcover, Alt Camp, 1958)

Alcover (Alt Camp) 1958

Member of the literary group La Gent del Llamp. Between 1998 and 2006 he edited the theatre collection Textos a part, which in 2003 received the Premi de la Crítica Serra d’Or. He has written novels and plays and, tangentially, he works as a translator. He has won the following awards: Salvador Reynaldos for unpublished plays (1986), Josep M. de Sagarra for theatre translation (1988), Ciutat d’Alzira for fiction (1993), Crítica Serra d’Or for best play (1999 and 2010) and 14 d’abril for theatre (2008). As a playwright he has premiered the following plays: Entaulats, Fira de teatre de Tàrrega, 1983; El telèfon, Tarragona, 1989; Senyores i senyors…, Fira de teatre de Tàrrega, 1990; El concurs, Teatre Romea, 1994; El bagul, Sitges Teatre Internacional, 1994; Estranyament  estrany, Versus Teatre, 1997; and Dinastia Ming, Teatre de Salt, 1998; Per què?, Teatre Fortuny, Reus, 2008; Peus descalços sota la lluna d’agost, Teatre Fortuny, Reus, 2011. He formed part of the team who translated Beckett’s plays into Catalan (Institut del Teatre, 1995 and 1996).