Lluís-Anton Baulenas

(Barcelona, 1958)

Barcelona, 1958

Narrator and former playwright, he has written, among others, the novels El Fil de Plata (1998, Carlemany prize), La felicitat (2001, Bertrana prize) and El nas de Mussolini (2009, Sant Jordi prize). In theatre he has published, among others, Melosa Fel (1989, Ciutat d’Alcoi prize, premiered in 2000), Trist, com quan la lluna no hi és (1995, premiered in 2001)  and El pont de Brooklyn (1995, Ciutat d’Alcoi prize). He has also written, directed and premiered, among others, the literary cabaret shows Un arabesc a la pell (1993), Cabaret d’Hule i Sofregit (1994) and El mort i qui el vetlla (1999). Other works of his premiered by others include Repúbliques (1995) and Kinokabaret (1995).