Lluïsa Cunillé

For three years she participated in the playwriting seminars given by José Sanchis Sinisterra at the Sala Beckett in Barcelona. Around forty theatre productions have been staged of her original plays and dramatisations.
Among the plays premiered, the most notable are: Rodeo (1992), Privado (1998), La cita (1999), Passatge Gutenberg (2001), Barcelona, mapa d’ombres (2004), Occisió (2005), Après moi, le déluge (2007), El carrer Franklin (2015) i Islàndia (2017).
She has received, among others, the following awards: Premi Born (2010 i 1999), Premi Lletra d’Or (2008), Premio Nacional de Literatura Dramática from Ministerio de Cultura (2009), Premi Nacional de Teatre from the Generalitat de Catalunya (2007) and Ciutat de Barcelona (2004).
In 1994 she founded, together with Paco Zarzoso and Lola López, the Companyia Hongaresa de Teatre, and with Xavier Albertí and Lola Davó the company La Reina de la Nit (2008). From 2007 to 2011 she was the resident playwright of the Teatre Lliure in Barcelona. She is currently a member of the reading committee of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya.