Martha von Mechow

My name is Martha Josephine von Mechow and I am 19 years old. I was born in Berlin and have lived there all my life. Since 2003, I have attended the ESBZ school, founded by its students. Besides that, I devote a lot of my time to theatre and for the last four years have been a member of the Volksbühne P14 youth theatre group. In the year 2015, Leonie Jenning and I were allowed to direct our first play, which we titled Lena i Leonci – Com el Cosmos va buscar el Caos i no el va trobar (Lena und Leonce. Wie der Kosmos das Chaos suchte und nicht fand). At P14 I have had the opportunity to act as well as to write plays, prose and lyrics, produce films and take charge of costumes. So, once I have completed my baccalaureate, I will be following a similar creative path.